Bear Crawls

Bear Crawls are an intense full-body exercise that builds strength, balance and endurance. This dynamic exercise activates the muscles of the core, shoulders, legs and back, and also improves coordination. It is a great exercise to improve stability and control throughout the body.

Correct Form and Technique

How to perform Bear Crawls correctly:

  1. Starting position: Start on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Raise your knees so that they are only a couple of centimeters above the ground.
  2. Movement: Begin to crawl forward by moving the opposite arm and leg at the same time (eg right arm and left leg), keeping the body as low and stable as possible.
  3. Control: Keep your hips low and avoid arching your back. Make sure your core is engaged to keep your body stable.
  4. Breathing: Breathe evenly and controlled as you crawl forward. Exhale when you move and in when you hold the position.

Common Errors

Avoid these common mistakes to maximize the effectiveness of Bear Crawls :

  • Hips too high: Keep your hips down to get the most out of your core muscles and avoid overloading your lower back.
  • Lack of control: Perform the exercise slowly and controlled to get full muscle activation and balance.
  • Short movements: Focus on moving arms and legs in full range of motion without rushing past the technique.

Modifications and Variants

Customize Bear Crawls to your level with these variations:

  • Beginner level: Start with a Bear Plank where you hold the position without moving to build strength and stability.
  • Advanced level: Try backward bear crawls or add weight to further challenge your balance.

Repetitions and Sets

Aim for 3 sets of 20-30 seconds or a certain distance, depending on how much space you have available. This exercise can be included in HIIT workouts or as part of a full body session.

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