Crescent Lung

Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana) is a dynamic yoga pose that strengthens the legs, hips, shoulders and core muscles , while improving flexibility in the hip flexors and opening up the chest. This position is also excellent for improving balance and posture.

Correct technique and execution

Follow these steps to safely perform the Crescent Lunge:

  1. Start in mountain pose (Tadasana) with your feet together.
  2. Take a large step back with your right foot and bend your left knee to a 90-degree angle, keeping your right leg straight with your heel lifted.
  3. Raise your arms above your head with your palms facing each other and stretch your arms straight up. Keep your core engaged and your back straight.
  4. Hold the position for a few deep breaths before switching sides.
Common mistakes

To ensure proper performance and prevent injury, avoid the following mistakes:

  • Leaning torso : Make sure your hips are directly below your shoulders to protect your lower back.
  • Bent back leg : Keep the back leg straight and the heel lifted to strengthen the leg and hips.
  • Lack of core activation : Engage the core to maintain balance and avoid stress on the lower back.

Modifications and variations

If you want to make the Crescent Lunge easier or harder, try these variations:

  • Use a chair or wall for support if balance is challenging.
  • Deeper front knee bend to increase intensity. Bend the knee closer to 90 degrees for a deeper stretch.
  • For advanced players, try lifting your back foot off the mat for an added balance challenge.

Number of repetitions and sets

Hold the Crescent Lunge for 30 seconds to 1 minute on each side, and repeat 2-3 times. This will help improve leg strength and hip flexibility.

Breathing techniques

Focus on deep, calm breathing . Inhale as you raise your arms upwards, and exhale as you sink deeper into the position. Breath control will help you maintain balance and calmness in the position.

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