

Today's exercise is the Deadlift , one of the most effective strength exercises that targets several large muscle groups in the body. Deadlifts primarily activate the back muscles , glutes...


Today's exercise is the Deadlift , one of the most effective strength exercises that targets several large muscle groups in the body. Deadlifts primarily activate the back muscles , glutes...


Plank is a simple but very effective bodyweight exercise that strengthens the core muscles , including the stomach , back and shoulders . It contributes to better stability and balance,...


Plank is a simple but very effective bodyweight exercise that strengthens the core muscles , including the stomach , back and shoulders . It contributes to better stability and balance,...

Ground lift

The deadlift is a powerful exercise that trains the entire back of the body , including the back , glutes , hamstrings and lower back . This is one of...

Ground lift

The deadlift is a powerful exercise that trains the entire back of the body , including the back , glutes , hamstrings and lower back . This is one of...

Bench press

The bench press is a classic strength exercise that focuses on training the chest muscles , triceps and shoulders . This is one of the most popular exercises for the...

Bench press

The bench press is a classic strength exercise that focuses on training the chest muscles , triceps and shoulders . This is one of the most popular exercises for the...

Leg Raises

Leg raises are a fantastic exercise for training the core muscles, especially the lower abdominal muscles. This exercise is effective for strengthening the stomach, hips and lower back. In addition...

Leg Raises

Leg raises are a fantastic exercise for training the core muscles, especially the lower abdominal muscles. This exercise is effective for strengthening the stomach, hips and lower back. In addition...

Pull-Up: An Effective Exercise for Back and Arms

Today's exercise is the Pull-Up , a fantastic bodyweight exercise that mainly trains the back and biceps . This exercise is perfect for developing both strength and muscle mass in...

Pull-Up: An Effective Exercise for Back and Arms

Today's exercise is the Pull-Up , a fantastic bodyweight exercise that mainly trains the back and biceps . This exercise is perfect for developing both strength and muscle mass in...

Push-Up: A Complete Guide

Today we will review the push-up , a fantastic exercise that trains the chest , shoulders and triceps . Push-ups are a basic bodyweight exercise that can be performed anywhere...

Push-Up: A Complete Guide

Today we will review the push-up , a fantastic exercise that trains the chest , shoulders and triceps . Push-ups are a basic bodyweight exercise that can be performed anywhere...

Hvordan trene Tabata?

How to train Tabata?

Do you want to challenge yourself on a really intense and effective workout? Here are three sessions you can challenge yourself with, in true tabata style!

How to train Tabata?

Do you want to challenge yourself on a really intense and effective workout? Here are three sessions you can challenge yourself with, in true tabata style!

Hvordan trene kjernemuskulatur?

How to train core muscles?

### Podsumowanie artykułu W dzisiejszym artykule omawiamy różnorodne produkty sprzedawane w naszym sklepie internetowym z odzieżą sportową. Oferujemy szeroki wybór ubrań, w tym legginsy, koszulki, bluzy, i akcesoria związane ze...

How to train core muscles?

### Podsumowanie artykułu W dzisiejszym artykule omawiamy różnorodne produkty sprzedawane w naszym sklepie internetowym z odzieżą sportową. Oferujemy szeroki wybór ubrań, w tym legginsy, koszulki, bluzy, i akcesoria związane ze...

Tips til å få bedre kondisjon

3 Tips for getting in better shape

Do you want to get in better shape? Here we have collected 3 different variants of how you can improve your fitness, whether you want to go out for intervals,...

3 Tips for getting in better shape

Do you want to get in better shape? Here we have collected 3 different variants of how you can improve your fitness, whether you want to go out for intervals,...

Hvordan fortsette med gode rutiner på trenings fronten

How to keep up the good routines

Some simple tips on how to keep your training motivation up and keep having fun with exercise!

How to keep up the good routines

Some simple tips on how to keep your training motivation up and keep having fun with exercise!

meditasjon og mindfulness hvordan meditere

Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation is a mental practice where the goal may be to achieve better sleep, less stress, expanded awareness, or spiritual insight. Meditation was originally performed as a religious practice best...

Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation is a mental practice where the goal may be to achieve better sleep, less stress, expanded awareness, or spiritual insight. Meditation was originally performed as a religious practice best...

Hvordan få selvtillit på treningssenteret

How to gain confidence at the gym?

Does it feel a little scary to go to the gym as a beginner? Here is a guide for you who want to feel better both outside and inside the...

How to gain confidence at the gym?

Does it feel a little scary to go to the gym as a beginner? Here is a guide for you who want to feel better both outside and inside the...

De mest effektive mageøvelsene

The most effective abdominal exercises

W kontekście sklepu e-commerce sprzedającego odzież sportową, ubrania, odzież sportową i akcesoria, oto podsumowanie artykułu: Ten sklep e-commerce oferuje szeroki wybór odzieży sportowej, w tym wysokiej jakości legginsy, które idealnie...

The most effective abdominal exercises

W kontekście sklepu e-commerce sprzedającego odzież sportową, ubrania, odzież sportową i akcesoria, oto podsumowanie artykułu: Ten sklep e-commerce oferuje szeroki wybór odzieży sportowej, w tym wysokiej jakości legginsy, które idealnie...

Crossfit trening for nybegynnere

Crossfit for beginners

Originally from the USA, Crossfit is a set of short, high-intensity exercises that can be linked to several different sports. Crossfit training can include everything from weightlifting, flexibility training, strength...

Crossfit for beginners

Originally from the USA, Crossfit is a set of short, high-intensity exercises that can be linked to several different sports. Crossfit training can include everything from weightlifting, flexibility training, strength...

Hvordan trene rumpe?

Butt exercises for you

Exercise guide for you who want a bigger butt. Activation of the muscle and four exercises for best effect.

Butt exercises for you

Exercise guide for you who want a bigger butt. Activation of the muscle and four exercises for best effect.

pilates guide nybegynnere

The best tips on pilates

Pilates largely avoids high impact, high power output, and heavy muscular and skeletal loading. The training is performed with calm, coordinated movements that focus on strength, flexibility, mobility, but also...

The best tips on pilates

Pilates largely avoids high impact, high power output, and heavy muscular and skeletal loading. The training is performed with calm, coordinated movements that focus on strength, flexibility, mobility, but also...

Hvordan løpe riktig, i mørket, i regnet, i varmen og målrettet

How to run properly

With a better running technique, running will be smoother, it will also be more fun and easier. This can cause your progression to accelerate and reduce the risk of injury....

How to run properly

With a better running technique, running will be smoother, it will also be more fun and easier. This can cause your progression to accelerate and reduce the risk of injury....

Hvorfor varme opp før trening og tøye etter

Warming up and stretching:Everything you need t...

Are you unsure why it is important to warm up and stretch? Or are you struggling with how to do it? In this post, you can read about all the...

Warming up and stretching:Everything you need t...

Are you unsure why it is important to warm up and stretch? Or are you struggling with how to do it? In this post, you can read about all the...

Intervalltrening for nybegynnere | hvordan komme inn i løpingen

Interval training for beginners

In this article, you will read about how to get into running training as a beginner, and different intervals that may be relevant within your training.

Interval training for beginners

In this article, you will read about how to get into running training as a beginner, and different intervals that may be relevant within your training.

tips til langtur

Tips for the long haul

In this guide, we have collected five tips for long trips - things you should think about and take into account when you go on a trip in different terrain...

Tips for the long haul

In this guide, we have collected five tips for long trips - things you should think about and take into account when you go on a trip in different terrain...

Hvilken treningsform passer best for meg? sirkeltrening, styrketrening, HIIT og intervall

Which workout is best for me?

Whether you choose to exercise alone or with others, exercise is a good driver for a number of benefits for both physical and mental health. Exercise does not discriminate against...

Which workout is best for me?

Whether you choose to exercise alone or with others, exercise is a good driver for a number of benefits for both physical and mental health. Exercise does not discriminate against...

Treningsguide til nybegynnere med øvelser og video

Training program for beginners

This is a training program for you who are a beginner. Whether you are going to work out at the gym or at home in the gym, the program requires...

Training program for beginners

This is a training program for you who are a beginner. Whether you are going to work out at the gym or at home in the gym, the program requires...

Har søvn effekt på trening

Sleep and exercise

Sleep is very important for both body and head to function optimally. Many people are aware that sleep is important for health, quality of life and performance. In other words;...

Sleep and exercise

Sleep is very important for both body and head to function optimally. Many people are aware that sleep is important for health, quality of life and performance. In other words;...

trening på kontoret og hjemme

Training in the office and at home

It is recommended that you spend time being physically active every single day. If you have a hectic everyday life, a good tip can be to integrate some training both...

Training in the office and at home

It is recommended that you spend time being physically active every single day. If you have a hectic everyday life, a good tip can be to integrate some training both...

HIIT trening, høyintensiv trening

HIIT training for beginners

HIIT stands for high- intensity interval training and focuses on pushing you to your anaerobic zone (85% of maximum heart rate). The focus is on burning maximum calories in a...

HIIT training for beginners

HIIT stands for high- intensity interval training and focuses on pushing you to your anaerobic zone (85% of maximum heart rate). The focus is on burning maximum calories in a...

skadeforebyggende trening med øvelser for kne, rygg og skuldre

Injury prevention training

Injury prevention training is important to avoid ailments after incorrect loading and wear over time. Load damage and wear damage is something many people experience during their lives, and it is often everything from minor...

Injury prevention training

Injury prevention training is important to avoid ailments after incorrect loading and wear over time. Load damage and wear damage is something many people experience during their lives, and it is often everything from minor...

tips til god vinterløping

Tips for good winter running

It goes towards colder days and even though many then turn to the fitness center instead of taking the workout outside, there are still some who prefer to be able...

Tips for good winter running

It goes towards colder days and even though many then turn to the fitness center instead of taking the workout outside, there are still some who prefer to be able...

Yoga øvelser hjemmefra - Nybegynnerguide

Yoga Exercises From Home - Beginner's Guide

Yoga training is good for both body and mind where it focuses a lot on breathing, balance, flexibility and controlled movements that will increase your strength and mobility over time....

Yoga Exercises From Home - Beginner's Guide

Yoga training is good for both body and mind where it focuses a lot on breathing, balance, flexibility and controlled movements that will increase your strength and mobility over time....

Treningsprogram. Syrkeøvelser for hele kroppen. Treningsstrikker, treningsbag, håndleggsbånd.

The best strength exercises for the whole body

This program contains 5 exercises that strengthen the whole body, and is just as suitable for beginners as for those who have trained a lot before. The training program can...

The best strength exercises for the whole body

This program contains 5 exercises that strengthen the whole body, and is just as suitable for beginners as for those who have trained a lot before. The training program can...

trening etter fødsel

Exercise after birth

After the birth, it is understandable that many are eager to start exercising to get back the body they had before they became pregnant. There are various things you should...

Exercise after birth

After the birth, it is understandable that many are eager to start exercising to get back the body they had before they became pregnant. There are various things you should...


Exercise during pregnancy? We help you get star...

During pregnancy, it is recommended to perform physical activity for at least 30 minutes every day. The most important thing is that you get to move regularly and with enough...

Exercise during pregnancy? We help you get star...

During pregnancy, it is recommended to perform physical activity for at least 30 minutes every day. The most important thing is that you get to move regularly and with enough...

Treningsøvelser for to

Work out together - best workouts for two

If you want better training motivation, a good solution may be to find a training partner! Here are our favorite workouts for two, strength training that includes both abdominal exercises...

Work out together - best workouts for two

If you want better training motivation, a good solution may be to find a training partner! Here are our favorite workouts for two, strength training that includes both abdominal exercises...

10 styrkeøvelser du kan gjøre i parken

10 strength exercises you can do in the park

Summer means outdoor training, and here you can learn the best strength exercises you can do in the park!

10 strength exercises you can do in the park

Summer means outdoor training, and here you can learn the best strength exercises you can do in the park!

Treningsstrikk minibands for trening, 3 pack resistance bands

Exercise your buttocks and thighs with elastic....

Exercises with elastic are a good way to train the buttocks and thighs. Here you can read about the best training exercises with elastic.

Exercise your buttocks and thighs with elastic....

Exercises with elastic are a good way to train the buttocks and thighs. Here you can read about the best training exercises with elastic.

Hvordan komme i gang med trening

How to get started with exercise

A simple summary of how you can find the training motivation in the simplest possible way and get started with the training!

How to get started with exercise

A simple summary of how you can find the training motivation in the simplest possible way and get started with the training!