Banded Lateral Walks

Today's exercise is Banded Lateral Walks , an effective exercise for strengthening the hips , glutes and thighs . This exercise helps improve stability, balance and muscle activation in the hips and glutes, making it ideal as a warm-up or activation exercise before heavier workouts.

Correct Technique for Banded Lateral Walks

1. Place a resistance band around the legs, either above the knees or around the ankles, depending on the level of resistance desired.
2. Bend your knees slightly and stand in a half squat position with your feet hip-width apart.
3. Take a controlled step to the side with one foot, and follow through with the other foot, keeping tension in the band.
4. Continue to take small steps to the side in one direction, then switch directions to train both sides.

Common Errors

  • Too big steps: Take small, controlled steps to maintain constant tension on the band and prevent technique breakdown.
  • Straightening the knees: Keep a slight bend in the knees to activate the muscles throughout the movement.
  • Poor band placement: Make sure the band fits snugly without slipping and that you're using the right level of resistance.

Modifications and Variants

Beginners can use lighter resistance bands placed above the knees to more easily control the movement. Advanced athletes can use heavier bands or place the band at the ankles for increased resistance. Another variation is to perform the exercise in a deeper squat position to increase the intensity.

Repetitions and Sets

Perform 3 sets of 10-12 steps to each side. Be sure to maintain a smooth movement and constant tension in the band.

Breathing technique

Inhale as you prepare to take a step, and exhale as you take the step to the side. Maintain a steady breathing rhythm throughout the set.

Videos showing Banded Lateral Walks

Here are two videos demonstrating the exercise:

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